Svarta Huset, Telefonplan
We are delighted that Couture Gallery artist Joanne Grüne-Yanoff has been chosen to represent the art space Detroit Stockholm at Supermarket this year. Stop by to see her fantastic installation of 100 honeycomb footprints and 100 beehive drawings that continues Grrüe-Yanoff's ongoing exploration of identity, transience, and home.
Visit the COUTURE GALLERI booth at AAF Stockholm, October 1-4, 2015
Visit the COUTURE GALLERI booth at AAF Stockholm, October 2-5, 2014
Visit the COUTURE GALLERI booth at AAF Stockholm, October 3-6, 2013
Derek Kaplan at the gallery on June 13, 2013
Please confirm your attendance by June 7th to:
Born in Harare Zimbabwe in 1974, Derek Kaplan is a self-taught artist who has painted since he could first hold a brush. Despite the protests of his high school art teacher, he abandoned his dream to be a professional artist to instead follow a more financially stable path. However, after a dozen different careers and entrepreneurial ventures, he found his way back to his true passion—painting.
Derek thrives on abstract painting as it allows his carefree spirit the freedom to create acting on impulse, driven by instinct. He desires to create visceral works that engage his viewer, triggering a sensory response and strong emotion within them. He aims to create artworks that come to life, almost becoming their own life form, while pleasuring the eye and hinting at a world that lies deep beyond the surface of his paintings.
Rita Mestokosho at the gallery on November 22, 2011
Bokförlaget Beijbom Books och
Kanadas Ambassad välkomnar er att möta Rita Mestokosho, innu-indiansk poet från Mingan, Quebec.
Ur Nobelpristagaren J.M.G Le Clézios förord till
Hur jag ser på livet, mormor av Rita Mestokosho:
"Rita Mestokosho och hennes poesi riktar sig till oss alla, var vi än är i världen, vilket ursprung eller vilken historia vi än har. Hennes röst berör oss starkt för att hon är sig själv, klar och naturligt, utan förkonstling. Genom henne talar allt levande som finns omkring oss i världen och som vi bör respektera – laxen i floden, björnen i skogen, de släta stenarna i forsen. Här finns en dov smärta, något av en ylande vind, av dånet från ett rinnande vattendrag. Ropet från den fria horisonten, från de stora vidderna där nomaderna vandrade förr för att jaga och samla vilda örter. Och livets flyktiga ljus, friden och hoppet, minnet av det barn hon var och aldrig har upphört att vara, ett skrattande barn, ensamt på ett snöklätt fält – tidens herre. Tack, Rita, för att du delar med dig av ditt liv."
Rita Mestokosho, född 1967, är en av 15 000 innu-indianer, utspridda på elva sam-hällen, två i Labrador med engelska som andra språk, och nio i Quebec med franska som andraspråk. Beijbom Books har givit ut hennes enda diktsamling i tre olika språk-versioner: innu/franska/svenska, innu/franska/engelska och innu/franska.
Simon Kiyé and Dominique.R at the gallery on October 16, 2011
From 14:00 to 16:00
Simon Kiyé, writer and film maker, born in Laos, came to France as a child in 1976 as a war-refugee.
Member of the " Film flame", film makers'association in 2004. Holder of the grants "Brouillon d'un rêve" ( SCAM) and « Identité, parcours, mémoire « (2009)
His film Ici finit l'exil (2009) and his poetical text The day before the day after ( 2000) retrace his search for identity, his questioning of the power of memory.
Dominique .R , French artist, Art schools of Rennes /France and Canberra /Australia, finds her inspiration in the 6 elements : the Earth, the Water, the Fire, The Air, The Space and the Conscience.
The paintings for this exhibition have been inspired by her readings of Simon Kiyé's works.
2011 exhibitions : Konst på väg 2011 Örbyhus slott, Norrtälje Konsthall, Art Galery 3K , Conaccento in Stockholm
Galleri Couture in collaboration with AEFS and LMS-franska/Stockholm
Please confirm your attendance by October 10th to:
Paul Béliveau and Kim Thuy at the gallery on March 29th
On March 29, Swedish publisher Sekwa will launch the debut novel “Ru” of Canadian author Kim Thuy. Couture Galleri is pleased to host the event at its premises. Born in Saigon in 1968, Kim Thuy left Vietnam with her parents and two brothers to flee from a regime of repression. The most memorable moments of their adventures are poetically conveyed in Ru. The book became an instant sensation in Quebec and Europe. “Kim Thuy's writing flows like poetry – it transports and appeases. It is powerful and evocative,” says French newspaper Le Figaro. “This first novel provides a rare feeling of bliss.”
At the same time, Couture Galleri will hold a solo exhibition of Paul Béliveau’s work. Born in 1954, Paul Béliveau completed his Bachelor's degree in Visual Arts from Laval University in 1977. Recognized for his expertise in drawing, engraving and painting he has since then had more than 100 solo exhibitions across Canada, the United States and Europe. The recipient of numerous prizes in visual arts and of multiple grants from the Canada Council as well as the Ministère des Affaires Culturelles du Québec has taken part in several commitees and juries as specialist in the visual arts. His work can be found in many private collections and museums. Since 1999, he is a member of the Royal Canadian Academy of Arts. For his premiere in Stockholm, Paul has created paintings from his book series some of them inspired by the Swedis culture.